6 Powerful Principles of Parenting in Islam for a Nurturing Home

Parenting in Islam is a significant responsibility entrusted to parents by Allah. Raising children with strong faith, good manners, and a love for Islamic teachings ensures a righteous future generation. The importance of parenting in Islam is emphasized through a structured and compassionate approach, with clear guidance from the Quran and Hadith. By nurturing children with Islamic values, parents fulfill their duty to shape a morally upright and God-conscious society.

1. Hadith About Parenting in Islam Raising Children 7 Years:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) outlined a three-stage approach to child development:

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parenting in islam

1. Play with Them for the First Seven Years (0-7 years)

As stated in the Play with them for the first seven years Hadith, young children should be treated with love and playfulness. This stage focuses on:

  • Providing a nurturing and affectionate environment
  • Encouraging curiosity and early learning
  • Strengthening emotional bonds through play

2. Teach Them Discipline for the Next Seven Years (8-14 years)

This stage involves guiding children toward discipline and responsibility. Key aspects include:

  • Teaching Salah (prayer) and basic Islamic principles
  • Instilling good character and social etiquette
  • Encouraging obedience and respect for elders

3. Treat Them as Friends for the Last Seven Years (15-21 years)

At this stage, parents should establish a strong friendship with their children, fostering mutual trust and respect. This involves:

  • Open communication and guidance in decision-making
  • Encouraging independence while maintaining Islamic values
  • Preparing them for adult responsibilities

2. Parenting in Islam Quotes: Timeless Wisdom for Raising Children

Islamic teachings emphasize love, patience, and wisdom in parenting. Here are some powerful Parenting in Islam Quotes:

  • “A child is a master for seven years, a slave for seven years, and a vizier for seven years.”
  • “The best gift a parent can give their child is good manners.” — Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
  • “Teach your children prayer when they are seven years old.” — Hadith

These Islamic parenting quotes highlight the importance of guiding children with kindness and wisdom.

Parenting in Islam Quotes

3. Islamic Parenting Course: Strengthening Parenting Skills

Many resources, such as an Islamic parenting course, help parents refine their skills and incorporate Islamic teachings into daily parenting. These courses offer:

  • Practical strategies for Islamic way of training a child
  • Guidance on instilling Islamic values in children
  • Effective communication techniques for parents

Recommended courses can be found through organizations like AlMaghrib Institute and Islamic Online University.

4. Parenting in Islam Books: Essential Reads for Parents

There are numerous Parenting in Islam books that offer valuable insights on raising children with Islamic values. Some highly recommended titles include:

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Parenting in Islam Books
  1. “Child Education in Islam” by Dr. Abdullah Nasih Ulwan
  2. “Islamic Parenting: The Right Way” by Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat
  3. “Parenting Skills: Based on the Qur’an and Sunnah” by Ekram Beshir

These books offer Hadith on child upbringing in Arabic and practical steps to help parents nurture their children in accordance with Islamic teachings.

5. Islamic Way of Training a Child: Key Parenting Strategies

1. Instilling Islamic Values from an Early Age

Teaching Tawheed (oneness of Allah) and basic Islamic principles is crucial from a young age. Reading the Quran together and explaining its meaning fosters a strong connection to faith.

2. Encouraging Good Manners and Behavior

Islamic parenting emphasizes Akhlaq (good character). Parents should model honesty, kindness, and patience, as children learn by example.

3. Teaching Responsibility Through Daily Routine

Assigning small tasks, such as helping with household chores or taking care of siblings, teaches accountability and responsibility.

4. Correcting Behavior with Wisdom and Patience

Instead of using harsh punishment, parents should follow the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) approach of discipline with kindness.

6. Hadith on Child Upbringing in Arabic: Key Islamic Teachings

Several Hadith on child upbringing in Arabic provide clear guidance for Muslim parents. One significant Hadith states:

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم: “مُرُوا أَوْلَادَكُمْ بِالصَّلاَةِ وَهُمْ أَبْنَاءُ سَبْعِ سِنِينَ، وَاضْرِبُوهُمْ عَلَيْهَا وَهُمْ أَبْنَاءُ عَشْرِ سِنِينَ”

Translation: “Command your children to pray when they reach seven years, and discipline them for neglecting it when they reach ten years.” (Abu Dawood)

This Hadith emphasizes the importance of Salah and discipline in Islamic parenting.


Parenting in Islam is a lifelong commitment that requires patience, love, and adherence to Quranic and Hadith teachings. By following Hadith about raising children 7 years, seeking guidance from Islamic parenting books, and enrolling in Islamic parenting courses, parents can create a nurturing environment for their children.

By incorporating these teachings into daily life, parents can raise righteous, responsible, and God-conscious children who will contribute positively to the Muslim Ummah.


What is the Islamic perspective of parenting?

In Islam, parenting is a sacred duty entrusted by Allah. It emphasizes raising children with love, discipline, and strong faith. Parents are responsible for teaching Islamic values, good manners, and religious obligations like prayer. The Quran and Hadith provide clear guidance on nurturing children with patience and wisdom.

What is the 7 7 7 rule in Islam?

In Islam, the 7-7-7 rule comes from a Hadith that advises parents to follow three phases in raising children:

  1. 0-7 years – Show love and play with them.
  2. 8-14 years – Teach them discipline and religious duties.
  3. 15-21 years – Treat them as friends and guide them in life.

How should parents be in Islam?

Islam teaches that parents should be compassionate, patient, and just while raising their children. They must provide Islamic education, instill good character, and set a righteous example. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized kindness, fairness, and the importance of nurturing children with love and wisdom.

External Resources:

Hadith on Child Upbringing – Sunnah.com
🔗 https://sunnah.com/

Parenting in Islam – Al-Islam.org
🔗 https://www.al-islam.org/

Islamic Parenting Course – Islamic Online University
🔗 https://www.islamiconlineuniversity.com/

Books on Islamic Parenting – Darussalam Store
🔗 https://darussalamstore.com/


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